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    A complex and refreshing composition of herbs possesses a multi-coloured texture, pleasant flavour and scent.

  • A complex and refreshing composition of herbs possesses a multi-coloured texture, pleasant flavour and scent. Ingredients include tonic herbs. Seasonal product.

    Net weight 40 g.

    INGREDIENTS: *rugosa rose fruits flower buds, *purple amaranth, *hoary cinquefoil, *common oat, *common balm, *lady's mantle, *common agrimony, *common vervain, *Moldavian dragonhead, *European hazel, *cowberry, *great plantain, *wild strawberry, *rugosa rose leaves; *red clover inflorescences; *maral roots, *common sunflower petals.

    *-organic product.

    NOTES: Ingredients may change. Each person's response to herbs may differ. Consult your doctor about use of herbal products.